Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Broken Down!

Our washing machine has been broken for 2 months which has led to lot of time at the laundromat. I have jokingly called this our mission field. Tim actually bought an extremely intoxicated man a meal on Monday. I have loaned my cell phone as well. However, it takes a huge amount of time and is not pleasant at all. I feel so whiny - but shirts ruined by bleach, smoke smell in clean clothes, etc. I threw a small but very un-Christian wife fit last weekend and Tim had said we would go buy a new washer this week. Lo and behold we come Sunday night and the heat pump won't come on - at all. I am sitting at home right now instead of being at church waiting on the second repairman. The first company we called didn't show up at all when they said they would. Now we're waiting on a guy who does this on the side of his regular job hoping that it will be cheaper. We're just praying that it's not the whole unit. Hopefully it will be a small something! I feel guilty about being upset - there are much worse problems to have. I believe that Lord is trying to use this in my life to teach me contentment in my circumstance. I hope I learn it without anything else breaking.

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